
当我们还在小学的时候,好好学习和恐龙特级克赛号是我们的主题;当我们在高中的时候,高考是我们的主题;当我们在大学的时候,大学不存在早恋是我们的主题;当我们30岁的时候,家庭是我们的主题;当我们40岁的时候,热爱生活是我们的主题;当我们到50岁的时候,多活几年是我们的主题;当我们到60岁的时候,希望不是孙子孙女是否能考过托福是我们的主题。我们的关注每天都在抚摸路边风景和路边的人,感激每天的太阳都毫不吝惜的照耀着我们,原来太阳从来不向我们索取什么,我们自己也能做到么?每一个走在托福这条路上的人,应该都在某个时刻认定了自己的不平凡,相信自己注定与众不同。但是,在将来的某一刻,时光筑起了围栏,将我们的心紧紧包围;利益举起自己轻蔑的武器,逼我们乖乖就范。在这一刻,不知还有几人相信自己的不平凡,相信自己的与众不同。天下熙熙,皆为利来,天下攘攘,皆为利往。此时,不知是否有人怀疑,其实是时间和利益联手,将我们引入这无尽的深渊;此时,不知是否有人反思,其实我们今天的自己被自己的欲望所蒙蔽。历史不允许假设,时间永不回头的向前奔跑。很少有人为了自己的曾经的选择忏悔,一是因为回想过去没有任何价值,二是我们从来不曾想到反思。我们每天都在把握着自己,我们每天都在提出新的建议,我们每天都把今天视为我们的机会。但是实际上,在托福考试里面HOLD/PROPOSE/DEEM都表示“认为,提出”的意思。 hold 1 / həuld; hold/ v (pt, pp held / held; hɛld/) [Tn, Tn.pr] take and keep or support (sb/sth) in one's arms, hands, teeth, etc 拿住, 抓住, 抱住, 咬住, 托住, 支撑住(某人[某物]): The girl was holding her father's hand. 那女孩抓住她父亲的手. * The lovers held each other tight. 这一对情侣紧紧地搂抱着. * They were holding hands, ie holding each other's hands. 他们手握着手. * She was holding an umbrella. 她拿着一把伞. * She held me by the sleeve. 她抓住我的袖子. * She was holding the baby in her arms. 她抱着婴儿. * He held the rope in his teeth as he climbed the tree. 他爬树时用牙齿咬着绳子. [Tf, Cn.a, Cn.t] (fml 文) believe, consider or regard 相信; 认为; 视作: I hold that the government's economic policies are mistaken. 我认为政府的经济政策是错误的. * I hold the parents responsible for their child's behaviour. 我认为父母应对子女的行为负责. * I hold him to be a fool. 我认为他是个傻瓜. propose / prəˈpəuz; prəˋpoz/ v [Tn, Tf, Tg] offer or put forward (sth) for consideration; suggest 提议, 建议(某事物): The motion (ie for debate) was proposed by Mr X and seconded by Mrs Y. 那动议经X先生提出有Y夫人附议. * The committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted. 委员会建议着手起草新法规. Cf 参看 second3 2. [I, Ipr, Tn, Dn.pr] ~ (sth) (to sb) suggest or offer marriage (to sb), esp formally (向某人)求婚(尤指正式地): He was trying to decide whether he should propose (to her). 他反覆思量是否该(向她)求婚. * He had proposed marriage, unsuccessfully, twice already. 他已经两次求婚, 均未成功. (idm 习语) propose sb's `health/a `toast ask people to drink to sb's health and happiness 提议为某人的健康和幸福而乾杯: I should like to propose a toast to the bride and bridegroom. 我提议为新娘新郎的幸福乾杯. / diːm; dim/ v [Tf, Tnt esp passive 尤用於被动语态, Cn.a esp passive 尤用於被动语态, Cn.n] (fml 文) consider; regard 认为; 视为: He deemed that it was his duty to help. 他认为他有责任加以援助. * She was deemed (to be) the winner. 人们认为是她获胜. * It is deemed advisable. 这认为是可取的. * I deem it a great honour to be invited to address you. 要我向诸位讲几句话, 我觉得非常荣幸. iBT新托福重点考察词汇之SUCCESSOR【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1817 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之CONSIDERABLE【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1775 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之SUBJECT TO【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1724 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之WITHSTAND【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1617 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之DRAMATIC【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1314 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之SINCE【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1182 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之APPROACH【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1118 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之GAME【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1088 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之PHYSICAL【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/948 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之LANDSCAPE【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/904

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