
最近总有人在风传什么托福考试改革,什么出新题。做出这样的预测,无老师很难去揣测当事人的心理,但是有一点可以肯定的,就是我们很多人太容易相信这样的说辞,缺乏一种批判和探究精神。什么是缺乏批判精神?缺乏批判精神就是当听到“砖家”说股票会上1万点的时候,借了5000万,在6000点的时候炒股票。有这么傻的人么?你看看你周围吧,到处都是。看到这里的时候,很多人都会庆幸自己没有犯这样的错误,而且会鄙视那些犯错误的人,但是反问你自己,你就没有这样的错误?你有没有买过不适合自己的衣服?你有没有被父母与别人的孩子比较?台湾人民有没有选出一个贪污总统,陈水扁?! 说到改革,二丫建议大家来看看ETS正在进行的一项改革,以ETS的做事习惯,但凡出现很明显的改革,一定会至少提前2年时间进行通知,不仅如此还很有可能现在美国本土进行实验外加在其他国家推后改革的时间,比如新托福在2005年进行改革,2003年末就已经通知了。我们从这次GRE的改革也能看到这一点,那就是2011年改革,现在2009年就已经通知了,同样是提前2年的时间。 而且仔细看的话也会发现,新托福也是在北美先举行,然后直到2006年才在中国大陆开始推广,而且在这之间还经历了PBT老托福考试2005年11月的加开考试日期。这才是真正的改革,除此之外ETS没有进行任何明显的改革。但是你如果说新托福考试的试题在逐年变难,这个无老师是承认的,不管是新托福或者是老托福都是有难度逐年递增的趋势,这一点是毋庸置疑的,但是我们的高考不也是逐年递增么,很多在2006年就参加过新托福考试而没有过的人,当参加2007年的新托福考试的时候,明显会感觉到难度的提升。但是这是没有办法的,历史从来都不能重演,很多人都是当知道新托福考试的时候,才知道托福考试会变难,这个是没有办法的。注意,这里对于“变难”的解释是句子更难理解,原文和正确答案的对应关系更加的晦涩难懂,而不是题型有任何的变化。这也就是无老师前几天在校内上感叹“托福越来越难,SAT越来越简单,难度有趋同化倾向”的原因。 摆事实,讲依据,这是任何一个还可以谈上“正直”的人该做的,而不是信口胡说,“预言”可以吸引很多的眼球,虽然不敢说误国,但是一定误民,而且是一个个没有任何反驳能力的蝇头小考民,对每一位考友来说,时间是最宝贵的,请珍惜自己的时间,珍惜自己时间最好的方式就是不走弯路!事实证明,“沉默的大多数”是用脚来投票的!无老师的话,全都收录在这里,都是可以拿出来论证的,因为无老师坚信:时间是最好的监考官,任何的虚假都会被时间看透! 下面文章再次From:
3日在三藩市举行研究生院委员会年会上,ETS形容此次将是GRE推行以来最大规模的一次改革。后年实行新方法后,考试仍将分为语言能力、数学能力和分 析写作能力三大部分,只是每个部分的问题与作答方式都有大的变动。语言能力部分,新试题将取消反义词和类推词的类别;数学部分最大变化是加入网上计算;写 作仍保持两部分,一部分为逻辑分析,另外一部分则为考生个人观点表述。 GRE主管考试服务的官员佩恩形容,新制度下考生的答案将可更集中,便于评分员确定考生是凭个人知识因应试题,还是单纯地靠死记硬背给出答案。整个考试将历时3.5小时,较现有的3小时机考时间略长。出于保密考量,电脑将每隔两小时加入新题目,并重整题目的先后次序。 另一个有利考生的显着变动,是新制度将以单元,而不是以题目为评分单位,换言之考生可以暂时跳过个别题目,解答同一单元内的其他部分。专家解 释,按现有制度,考生一旦答错一个题目,电脑自动跳出的下一个题目会较为简单,反之亦然。而按照新的方法,考生可暂时略过某项难题,完成整个单元后再回头 尝试解决,答对的机会可大增。 该名专家同时形容,GRE的改革应是为与GMAT竞争而设。同是高校录取研究生参考指标的GMAT,主要为商学院学科而设,GRE则较为重视电脑等科目,2006年ETS失去了负责GMAT的合约,其后大力向商学院校推广GRE,取得不俗成效。 此外在评分标準上,新GRE也会从以往每部分最低200分最高800分的标準,改为最低130分最高170分。旧制度下,考生每额外答对一题,可有10分奖励,现时奖励将减至1分。ETS说,新制度可消除院校解读分数时面对的混淆。 每年全球有60万人参加GRE考试,其中3/4为美国考生。

A New Look for Graduate Entrance Test

Published: December 5, 2009
After two false starts, the Graduate Record Exam, the graduate school entrance test, will be revamped and slightly lengthened in 2011 and graded on a new scale of 130 to 170. The Educational Testing Service, which administers the G.R.E., described its plans Friday at the annual meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools in San Francisco, calling the changes “the largest revisions” in the history of the test. Although the exam will still include sections on verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing, each section is being revised. The new verbal section, for example, will eliminate questions on antonyms and analogies. On the quantitative section, the biggest change will be the addition of an online calculator. The writing section will still have two parts, one asking for a logical analysis and the other seeking an expression of the student’s own views. “The biggest difference is that the prompts the students will receive will be more focused, meaning that our human raters will know unambiguously that the answer was written in response to the question, not memorized,” said David G. Payne, who heads the G.R.E. program for the testing service. For security reasons, he said, new content would be introduced and the sequence of questions scrambled every two hours. The new test will be three and a half hours. The G.R.E., required for admission to a range of graduate programs, is a “computer adaptive” test, so that a correct answer to one question leads to a more difficult subsequent question, while a wrong answer leads to a simpler one. Another change is that the computer adaptivity will no longer be question by question but section by section, so that, within a section, students can skip a question and return to it. “That’s going to be a real boon to test takers because once you see a question wrong, it’s almost impossible to unsee it, but if you skip and come back a few questions later, it’s more likely that you’ll get it right,” said Neill Seltzer, who is in charge of G.R.E. for Princeton Review. Generally, Mr. Seltzer said he saw the changes mostly as an marketing effort, to compete with the GMAT test, used for admission to business schools. The Educational Testing Service lost the contract for administering the GMAT in 2006 to Pearson. Since then, E.T.S. has been increasingly successful marketing the G.R.E. to business schools as an alternative admissions test. The current G.R.E. scoring scale runs from 200 to 800, with 10-point increments that may represent only one additional correct answer. The new scoring scale will have one-point increments. “We know that some faculty saw a 20- or 30-point difference on the 200-800 scale as more significant than it really was, and we hope that the new scale will make things clearer,” Dr. Payne said. The service first announced in 2005 that it would revise the G.R.E. and lengthen it to four hours, to take effect in October 2006. In early 2006, it put off the changes until the fall of 2007 because of delays in setting up enough Internet-based test centers. Then in 2007, it canceled the planned changes. More than 600,000 students take the G.R.E. each year. In areas of the world where Internet-based testing is easily available, the G.R.E. lasts three hours. A paper version of the test, lasting about 3 hours 45 minutes, is offered in other places.