当我们看《贫民窟的百万富翁》的时候很多人都为现实的残酷而心如刀割,但是也都为爱情的美丽坚贞而掩面而泣,当无老师(偷偷背着二丫)看最近的“南师泰院的告白门”的时候,无老师的❤也不禁悸动了几下,多么美丽的青春啊!无老师是不是也应该迎着朝阳而出,拿着一大盒巧克力,带着100个男生,在长城迎风奔跑~~~在鸟巢迎风奔跑~~~在天!安&门广#场,算了,这地方不适合和100人一起奔跑。美丽的青春!青春是什么?青春是鸟儿在歌唱,我们就跟着歌唱。青春是一个男生抱一把吉他弹唱,周围就有无数的少女的目光。青春是和寝室兄弟喝挂了之后回到寝室,在难耐想吐之际,看着床底下兄弟们为我递过来的盆说了一句肺腑之言:这是我的盆!(此句专门用来预祝即将于11月11日过生日的朱哥哥,生日快乐)So, any way。青春对于女孩子而言,往往代表着飘飘的长发,青嫩的面庞。当无老师在海风聊过之际,都是在静静的注视着那些青嫩的面庞,心理不由得想到:二丫掐的我真疼啊。痛的是那么的真实,这一切的疼都发生在无老师的physical body上。,physical这个单词指的就是我们的“身体的”,这个意项是每一位考友几乎都知道的。此时二丫已经翘起了自己的嘴角,开口道:我还知道有“物理的”意思。什么是“物理的”?这个就有学问了。此物理,非彼“物理”physical这个“物理的”并不是单纯的指物理实验里面的物理,而更多的是指“客观存在的”,因此,我们的台灯是物理的,吹拂在吉娃娃身上的风是物理的,就连随风吹走的无老师的100块钱都是物理的-_-!!!最后请拾到100块钱的童鞋,把钱还我。此钱:不是以HD90作为开头。
of or concerning material things (contrasted with moral or spiritual matters) 物质的(与道德的或精神的相对): the physical world, universe, etc 物质世界﹑ 宇宙等.
(a) of the body 身体的; 肉体的: physical fitness, well-being, strength, etc 健康﹑ 安康﹑ 体力 * physical exercise, eg walking, running, playing sports 体育活动 * physical education, eg athletics, gymnastics, games, etc 体育 * (Brit infml 口) physical jerks, ie gymnastics 体操. (b) bodily 身体的: physical presence 亲临.
of or according to the laws of nature 自然规律的; 按自然法则的: It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once. 同时身处两地在自然法则上是不可能的. * physical necessity 自然法则的必然性.
[attrib 作定语] of the natural features of the material world 物质世界的自然特徵的: physical geography, ie geography of the earth's structure 自然地理学 * a physical map, ie one showing mountains, rivers, etc 自然地理图.
[attrib 作定语] of or concerning physics 物理的; 物理学的: physical chemistry, ie use of physics in the study of chemistry 物理化学 * physical science 物理学.
(infml euph 口, 婉) using violence; treating roughly 使用暴力的; 粗暴对待的: Are you going to co-operate or do we have to get physical? 你是跟我们合作呢还是要我们动武?
> physical n (infml 口) medical examination to see if one is fit 体格检查.
physically / -klɪ; -klɪ/ adv (a) bodily 身体上: physically exhausted, fit, handicapped 身体疲劳﹑ 健康﹑ 残疾 * attack sb physically 攻击某人身体. (b) according to the laws of nature 根据自然法则: physically impossible 按照自然法则不可能.
Adamic, Circean, actual, aerophysical, animal, animalistic, astrophysical, atavistic, beastlike, beastly, bestial, bodily, born, brutal, brute, brutish, carnal, carnal-minded, check, checkup, coarse, coeval, concrete, congenital, connatal, connate, connatural, constitutional, corporal, corporeal, earthly, earthy, elemental, elementary, fallen, fleshly, genetic, gross, hereditary, hylic, in the blood, inborn, inbred, incarnate, indigenous, inherited, innate, instinctive, instinctual, lapsed, lusty, manifest, material, materialistic, materiate, mortal, native, native to, natural, natural to, nonspiritual, objective, organic, orgiastic, palpable, phenomenal, physical examination, postlapsarian, primal, real, secular, sensible, solid, somatic, spot check, substantial, swinish, tangible, temperamental, temporal, true, unspiritual, visceral, worldly