
当我们提起“乐器”的时候,你会想起哪个单词?是的,你会想起instruments这个单词。当我们提起“工具”的时候,你会想起哪个单词?tool?当然,你也会想起instrument。当我们提起“仪器”的时候,你会想起哪个单词?当然也是instrument。可是当你在托福考试里面遇到instrument这个单词的时候,我们其实应该首先想到是“仪器”,然后再想到“乐器”,最后才是“工具”这两个意项,而不是仅仅想到这个单词有“仪表”的意思,我们尤其要注意“乐器”这个意项,因为这个词义常常被我们忽略。      ˈɪnstrumənt; ˋɪnstrəmənt/ n   implement or apparatus used in performing an action, esp for delicate or scientific work 器具; 器械; 仪器: a surgicalinstrument, eg a scalpel 外科器械(如手术刀) * an opticalinstrument, eg a microscope 光学仪器(如显微镜) * instruments of torture 刑具.   apparatus for producing musical sounds, eg a piano, violin, flute or drum 乐器(如钢琴﹑ 小提琴﹑ 笛或鼓): learning to play an instrument 学习演奏乐器 * the instruments of the orchestra 演奏管弦乐的乐器.   measuring device giving information about the operation of an engine, etc or in navigation (发动机等或航海﹑ 航空中用的)测量仪器, 仪表: a ship's instruments 船用测量仪器 * [attrib 作定语] an instrument panel 仪表盘. =>Usage at machine 用法见machine.   (a) ~ of sb/sth person used and controlled by another person, organization, etc, often without being aware of it 受人利用或控制的人(常为不自觉的): We humans are merely the instruments of fate. 我们人类只不过是天命的工具. (b) ~ of sth person or thing that brings sth about 促成某事的人或物: The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall. 他创建起来的组织到头来却成为促使他倒台的根本原因了.   ~ (of sth) formal (esp legal) document 正式的(尤指合法的)文件﹑ 文书: The king signed the instrument of abdication. 国王签署了逊位的文告. > instrumentation / ˏɪnstrumenˈteɪʃn; ˏɪnstrəmɛnˋteʃən/n [U]  1 arrangement of music for instruments 为器乐的 编曲: The instrumentation is particularly fine. 这首器乐曲编得特别细致.  2 instruments (instrument 3) 测量仪器; 仪表: monitoring the spacecraft's instrumentation 监控宇航器的检测仪表.