说o动物是marsupial(有袋动物)的一种,然后说marsupial跟一般动物的不一样 ,主要是在生理结构上,然后说marsupial is primitive(原始简单的),(有题,问为什么 except).然后文章说了很久很久以前,大陆都是连到一起的,然后分开之后,marsupial在美洲竞争不过其他动物了,所以只有澳洲的marsupial很flourish,那么美洲的呢? 说南美和北美再次连接起来之后,很多食肉动物南下,把marsupial都吃了。然后说o动物很奇特,跟其他marsupial不一样,所以他才可以留在美洲大陆,然后说很多人觉得o动物不进化,但是事实证明他是最近才来到北美的 ,然后说o动物适应能力好,什么都吃,人扔的垃圾都吃,所以他活下来了。
说威尼斯的盐事业,说威尼斯本来自己产盐,跟另外一个城市竞争,但是威尼斯的盐是细盐,要粗盐还要进口,另外自然灾害来了,那个威尼斯专门产盐的地方被端了,所以他只能进口了(有两项选择)。 然后说没想到,威尼斯做盐贸易作发财了,然后越做越好,盐的贸易刺激了其他产品的买卖,然后还说政府制定一些规定,说政府虽然不拥有盐,但是管理盐,跟中国不一样(有题,问中国什么样)然后威尼斯就很牛了,开始跟其他国家签合同,说你们只能卖我的,不能卖别人的,(有词汇题, stipulate规定,约定)然后还在海上查岗,跟海上警察一样。)
讨论地核物质成分,科学家根据地震波传导的快慢,确定了地核的成分与地表的成分不同。然后科学家发现火山爆发出来的物质有钻石,证明地球深层是一个高温高压的环境,因为钻石只能在这种情况下产生。 然后来了一段很长的,TMD,如果他分开好了。说根据陨石里面的材料来判定地核的材料。因为科学家可以估计地核的密度,如果发现陨石的密度与地核密度差不多,很有可能他们的element(元素成份)是相同的。有一道题目问地核的构成物质最多是什么,有iron, silicon(硅),还有两个忘记了。
玛雅文明在公元前900年后的发展, 主要几个region原来是独立的,后来就有融合了,但又不是完全融合,有自己的特点。
主要介绍了沙漠中的动植物是如何适应极端环境的。首先说了沙漠最大的问题就是缺水,如何适应这种缺水环境就是各种动植物存活的关键。然后说了植物是如何适应缺水环境的:有些是周期性植物,只在湿度较高时才生长;常年生长的植物采取另一些办法,例如,叶子表面产生一层蜡质,减少水分蒸发;有些叶子成了刺;有些的根系特别发达;等等。然后,另起一段将动物是如何适应的:产生高盐度的尿液,调整呼吸,等等。随后,还对比了在 沙漠和在极地生活的同一种动物的异同。
defense system防御机制
生物学: 植物的defense system,以及科学家为证实 defense system对于 deter animal feeding on them有很大的用处。有一道题是,食草东西虽然吃他们的种子,却也帮助他们传播和繁殖。
modification of weather
多年来人们一直努力改变天气。 最初是发现一战期间,降雨增多(可能与武器使用有关),美国农业部开始试验。后来 1946 年,有个员工发现干冰能让 supercooled water become snow particles.文章给 supercool 下了定义就是低于零度但是还没有结冰。 于是人们开始用 dry ice和 silver iodide来进行人工降雨。其原理就是 dry ice makes the moisture freeze into ice particles and the surrounding moisture freeze around it.也就是为降雨提供了凝结核。 后来文章说有人担心这样下去会使地面水体的含银量增高,但是调查并没有显示这个说法。这种 cloud seeding 办法继续发展,用别的物质替代干冰。但是很多人 concern 这种办法,会对 local 的环境带来影响,但是并无定论。
Alexander the Great’s empire
In 338 B.C., Philip II of Macedonia conquered the Greek city-states. His son, Alexander the Great, succeeded him in 336 B.C.
Until his death in 323 B.C., Alexander expanded his empire through conquests of much of the civilized world from Egypt to the Indus River . Alexander helped spread Greek ideas and the Greek way of life into all the lands he conquered.
After Alexander died, his empire was divided among his generals. They continued to preserve Greek culture.
No one succeeded Alexander the Great in the rule of his vast empire. His leading generals became governors of various areas and fought among themselves for control of the empire.
By 300 B.C., Alexander's empire had split into a number of independent states. The three most powerful states were led by Alexander's generals Antigonus, Ptolemy托勒密, and Seleucus.
Alexandria became Egypt 's capital, and its magnificent library and museum helped make the city one of the greatest cultural centers of ancient times.
讲小蜜蜂。分为 honeybee和worker bee。讲了honeybee是怎麽寻找蜜源和如何告诉同伴蜜源的位置的。开头先说蜜蜂和 termite 与很多 Species 不同,他们是 social。蜜蜂是一个是由社会分工合作的动物(有题问他们有什麽共同点),交流因此就变得很重要(有题)。然後科学家们就开始用他们的聪明才智研究小蜜蜂了。开始以为是honeybee是靠scent交流,然後某德国科学家研究发现 scout 用舞蹈来告诉工蜂蜜源的远近,远的用八字舞,近的用圆圈舞。他因此获得炸药奖。交流的内容靠跳 8 字舞或者 circle 区别 distance,而不是食物的类别(有题)。原来 发现蜜蜂找到窝以後跳舞是指示food type,後来发现 more than that。跳舞还指示出了direction and distance。跳舞分两种一种是 nectar dance 另一种 pollen dance,有一道题问这个的,nectar 是跳圆圈舞,pollen 是跳 8 字舞。但是一直有科学家怀疑 这个说法直到 1989 年,一些科学家为了验证他的理论做了 machine bees 模仿 scout,就是不去有食物处(这里有考题问机器蜜蜂和其他小蜜蜂有什麽不同),发现 robot使用这些动作果然可以向工蜂有效传递资讯。采蜜只是跳舞来做一些指示。最後发 现了小蜜蜂带回来的资讯和 wind 无关(这里有考题问 except 的问题,其他选项是 direction, distance 还有一个忘了)
Flowers provide food for bees. The bees collect tiny grains of pollen and a sweet liquid called nectar from the blossoms they visit. They make honey from the nectar, and use both honey and pollen as food.
During their food-gathering flights, bees spread pollen from one flower to another, thus pollinating (fertilizing) the plants they visit. This enables the plants to reproduce.
The honey bee colony
A typical honey bee colony is made up of one queen, tens of thousands of workers, and a few hundred drones.
Honey bees live in hives. The hive is a storage space, such as a hollow tree or a box, which contains a honeycomb. The honeycomb is a mass of six-sided compartments called cells.
Worker bees build the honeycomb of wax produced by their bodies. The wax oozes through small pores (holes) in the body and forms tiny white flakes on the outside of the abdomen.
They also collect a sticky substance bee glue, from certain kinds of trees.
The body of the honey bee
A bee has five eyes-three small ones that form a triangle on top of its head, and a large compound eye on each side of its head.
Honey bees were the first insects known to be able to distinguish colors. Bees have three kinds of color-sensitive cells in their eyes. These visual cells are especially sensitive to blue, yellow, and ultraviolet rays, which humans cannot see.
The sting of a worker bee is straight, with barbs (hooks) on it. When the bee thrusts the sting into flesh, the barbs hold tight, and the stinger pulls out of the bee's body.