Hit around 作文: Some people spend much time entertaining and relaxing, in other words, doing things they like. Others assume that they do not do what they should do because of this. In my opinion, it is all right to spend time on entertainment because it can improve efficiency, inspire ideas Work more efficiently. Work that needs to be in eight hours could be done in four hours if people feel relax and pleasant. It seems people spend too much time enjoying, but actually, they have finished their work. Inspire ideas. To some people, work is enjoyment. They are so lucky that what they should do is what they like. The enjoyment can help stimulate good ideas. Think of those computer game developers. How many fasinating games are invented while they are playing. Any many scientists admitted their inventions were just a sparkle of ideas when they were playing or when they were thinking how to make life more enjoyable. We have to admit some people do ignore their work because of spending too much time playing. However, a better way is to teach them how to budget their time, how to strike a balance between leisure and study or work. If they can accomplish this, enjoyment will bring them more relaxation, more efficiency and less anxiety. In sum…总结说一下。 作文好像不是很好写,我看很多人都觉得很难。有点摸不着头脑那种,像GRE文章。怎么写都有道理,但是又怎么都不好想论点。上面是我的思路,我的文章写的比较丰满,但是出来时候忘了写什么了,呵呵,当时有压力,句子能写复杂点,现在只能大概回忆出当时的思路了,用的句子也不一样。我写了450字,呵呵。有点罗嗦。
写作: 1.关于Chaco Structures用途的三种假说,人住,储粮,祭祀。讲座反对,一没有那么多人住的痕迹—比如fireplace, 二没有证据表明那里有储粮的容器,三即使有一些证据,比如碎陶片,也不足以证明。应该还有别的东西才对。即使陶片本身也许仅仅是建筑工人用剩下的,跟祭祀无关。 2.同意不?人们花了更多的时间在玩乐上,而不是干正事3.30JJ综合写作:公司为了拉动同一个系列的品牌长久不衰,有三种方法:一,出新的品种(新口味)二,出相关联的产品(如卡车公司同时卖boots)三、与别人合作出conbination product*(如巧克力公司与冰激凌公司推出巧克力冰激凌) lecture反驳:一,老用户不喜欢新口味,进而也不买老口味了;二,boots的质量不一定好,因为卡车公司善于造卡车而不是boots,三,会引起竞争,巧克力公司会去经营冰激凌,这样原来合作的两个公司就变成敌人了 大作文: Some people think that in order to enhance the quality of education, school should use a curriculum of eleven months. 我的理解是,一年十一个月的学制意味着”高强度的在校学习“,我持反对态度,我认为经验,与朋友的假日的相处,以及艺术音乐更可以让人成功,而不是一年到头的在校学习。 3月30日机经另一篇 作文 1.商业策略 第一种,推陈出新,ex 饮料推出新口味。反驳,老客户不喜欢新口味,又觉得老口味过时了,所以两种都不会买。 第二种,借用品牌。ex 用卡车牌子造鞋。反驳,两个东西质量要求不一样,因此公用品牌会造成错觉。 第三种,联合。ex 巧克力公司和冰激淋公司联合作chocolate-coated ice cream。反驳,两个工厂没有竞争才可以合作。 独立写作 如果每年上课11个月以上,学生会得到更有效的教育。题目太别扭了。。。4月27日
作文 没有一本好的书或是好的模考的小作文是好的,真正考的是时候一定是三点对应式的批驳. 1.中国人最早到达美洲吗?以前考过,看机经,我听得很不好,基本最后一点没听懂,靠机经印写的. 2.Should teachers assign the homework that the students must so everyday? 4月27日作文又一篇作文 1 阅读说其实中国人先于哥伦布之流发现美洲,举了三个证据。 一是 某Bimini Road 像人工造的,而且好像上面有中国字 二是 在加州海岸上发现有中国特色的anchor 三是 发现一座很中国的tower 听力反驳了阅读中的说法 一是 那个什么什么road 是natural formation,因为layer in the same direction(好像是) 二是 那个anchor可能是后来贸易的中国船只留下的 三是 通过c14鉴定(光听到carbon 什么的,我推测是这个啊),那个tower年代要比reading说的早得多,而且在英国也发现了同样风格的某种东西(没听见,汗) 2 agree or disagree, teachers should assign homework for students every day?
1, hydrogen-based fuel Vs conventional oil,
Pros: 1,infinite resource2,reduce pullotion, 3economically, 50% off
speaking refutes all. True problem and true story, but not a good solution.
Cons, 1, hard to convert hydrogen from normal state to liquided state, 2 Car doesn't produce pollution, but liquided gas manufacture do instead, need coal and oil to burning, 3 engine need platinum be a key part, to expensive and much than buy a BMW. unfortunately, cheap metal doesn't work.
2 Agree or disagree, Technology cause children show less creative than they were in past.
2.Has technology made children less creative than they were before?
5月 10日 作文 作文1. 阅读文章的观点是关于死海附近发现的画卷上提到的宝藏是不是真的,观点是treasures never exist . 后面的三段就分别给出了三个支持该观点的理由.1) 信息模糊vague 2)不可思议地大 3)从来没有被找到过
听力里一个女教授说他认为1)这批财宝是存在的,因为没写具体位置可能是因为所有者不希望被别人发现、偷走,keep secret,2)数额其实是大家搞错了,那个talent应该是埃及的文字,而不是死海附近用的文字,那样算的话就少多了。3),他认为寻找宝藏的地点搞错了,应该实在埃及附近,而且宝藏已经被发现了。
2. Do you agree or disagree: Governments should spend more money in support of arts than in support of athletics such as state-sponsored Olympic teams