无老师优秀范例:Beforeregarding my stand, it's essential to take a glance at the argument on bothsides. Advocates feel that efficiency is the most-valued element in today'sworld; opponents, though, view quality as the classical and permanent criterionto judge an assignment. I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that no matterhow times change, accuracy and carefulness should be taken into the firstplace. Admittedly, to work quickly and risk making mistakes is not an inferiorchoice in certain cases. At least it is a secure way to ensure all the taskscould be finished before deadline, so that further work will not be postponed.But to be devoted and make sure every detail is set in a satisfactory way isnot only responsible to ourselves but also offer convinience for others.无老师优秀翻译:在陈述我的立场之前,我们十分有必要先看一看论题双方的观点。支持者觉得,效率是我们当今的世界上最为重要的组成部分,但是反对者,却将质量看作是经典和永恒的标准,来判断一个任务是否完成的很好。有机会发表意见的我,更倾向于支持这样的观点,也就是不管时间怎样变化,准确性和认真,必须放在最重要的考虑因素上。当然我们要承认,快一点工作,冒一些会犯错误的风险,在某些情况下并不是最坏的选择。至少他可以保证,所有的任务可以在截止日期之前如期完成,这样接下来的工作将不至于被推迟。必须专注并且确保每一个细节都能被以满意的方式进行合理的处置,这不仅仅是为我们自己负责任,同时也为了取信于他人。无老师平庸范例:BeforeI started, we should know both view points. Supports think efficiency is the most important part of the world, but opponents thinkthat qualities are the classic and everlasting standard to judge a task. When Ihave the chance to state my point, I would support this point that no matterhow time changes, accuracy and carefulness is always the most important.Admittedly, working fast and taking some risks tomake some mistakes, in some cases, are not the worst choice. At least, it wouldmake sure that everything would be done before the deadline, and this willmakesure that no tasks would be delayed. We should make that each detail should becompleted in good ways, this not only takes responsibility for ourselves, butalso make others believe us.【无老师精析:无老师每一次的作文巨讲堂,都是找满分作文,来将其作为原稿,然后翻译出中文译本,一对一的直接翻译。然后再根据中文译本写出平庸范例,力求平庸范例写的越烂越好,尽可能模仿出低水平的考友们的真实状态,因此里面会有很多中式英语,语法错误以及诡异的表达。当然也因为整体是按照优秀范例的中文译本翻译过来的,因此难免有些内容与优秀范例十分的相似。不过这一次真的是写作感觉最诡异的一次,因为英文表达的很准确,中文翻译过来也相对准确,再翻译回英文平庸范例的时候,尽量不想采用原来优秀范例的素材,但是真的很难绕过原来的优秀范例,因此在写平庸范例的时候,就不得以舍弃了一些内容,而且也写得很难受。本片优秀范例,真的用了好多的固定搭配和地道的表达,非常适合于拿出来总结出自己的模板。】首先第一句,优秀范例写的是:Beforeregarding my stand, it's essential to take a glance at the argument on bothsides.对比平庸范例Before I started, we shouldknow both view points.一个漂亮的固定搭配,专门用于引出自己的观点regarding my stand。接下来的主句其实也是一个句套子,也可以直接拿过来当模板用,it's essential to take a glance at the argument on both sides.但是现在的作文模板检查机制还是挺严格的,各位无花果,一定要进行修改,否则要被倒扣分的。这个第1句几乎整句话都是模板,而平庸范例想绕过这个模板,就写起来非常的艰难,因此一开头就写成了Before I started,有点不像正常人话,以及后面的结尾both view points,也几乎在正常的表达当中是看不到的。平庸范例就是典型的用中文翻译成英文,但是还不知道正确的英文表达是怎样的,写的非常的蹩脚。第2句优秀范例写的是,Advocates feel that efficiencyis the most-valued element in today's world; opponents, though, view quality asthe classical and permanent criterion to judge an assignment.对比平庸范例Supportsthink efficiency is the most important part of the world, but opponentsthink that qualities are the classic and everlasting standard to judge a task.这个优秀范例感觉特别像是一个模板,只需要把中间的efficiency和quality,以及classicaland permanent criterion换成本篇的主题就可以了,句子写的整合性特别好,几乎一个多余的词都没有,而且句式的丰富性非常棒,当然在这里面必须要看到优秀范例的用词非常的准,支持者直接用的是Advocates,反对者用的是opponents,这个不像是很多的作文,特别喜欢用,some people in other side这么复杂的表达方法,很显然优秀范例用词简练准确。然后优秀范例的most-valuedelement,写的也是非常的漂亮,对比平庸范例就仍然只能用出来,很老土的most important part,这种小学生的词汇。接下来为了增加句式的丰富性和准确性,优秀范例又插入了一个though,来表示转折,而且优秀范例接下来的classical and permanent criterion,也充分的显示出优秀范例的用词的丰富性和准确性。第三句,优秀范例写的是I, giventhe chance, prefer to endorse that no matter how times change, accuracy andcarefulness should be taken into the first place.对比起来,平庸范例写的是When I have the chance to state my point, I wouldsupport this point that no matter how time changes, accuracy and carefulness isalways the most important.优秀范例当中,这些小的固定搭配,giventhe chance以及前面出现的regardingmy stand,都非常的花哨,漂亮,让句式的丰富性和节奏变得特别好,不会让人读句子的时候变得特别长,那样看起来会很闹心。而且将优秀范例和平庸范例对比起来的时候,我们还会发现,等表示出自己的倾向性的时候,平庸范例总是用would support this point,这种一成不变的表达方法,但是优秀范例就会用prefer to endorse,一个茴香豆的茴有三种写法,这就是文人该有的样子!再回头来钱整个前半句I, giventhe chance, prefer to endorse that no matter how times change,又是一个特别漂亮,直接拿过来就可以用的模板句,以及优秀范例最后的should be taken into thefirst place,也可以当做一个特别漂亮的模板句直接用,但是平庸范例就只会the most important,这一种表达方法非常的枯燥。第四句,优秀范例又甩出Admittedly,to work quickly and risk making mistakes is not an inferior choice in certaincases.对比平庸范例Admittedly, working fast andtaking some risks to make some mistakes, in some cases, are not the worstchoice.在这里对比起来,优秀范例明显会简洁很多,优秀范例用了risk making mistakes而平庸范例写的是takingsome risks to make some mistakes。而且优秀范例还特别漂亮的,not aninferior choice“不是一个很坏的选择”用了一个双重否定来表示肯定,而且还为了让自己的表达更加的准确,用incertain cases限定了在一定的范围之内。当然平庸范例也用了双重否定are not the worst choice,但是很显然优秀范例用到的inferior,更书面化,更加略胜一筹。第5句话优秀范例,At least it is a secure way toensure all the tasks could be finished before deadline, so that further workwill not be postponed.对比平庸范例At least, it would make sure that everything would be done before thedeadline, and this will make sure that no tasks would be delayed,优秀范例,为了增加自己句式的多样性,表达自己观点的时候,保证全都不重样,因此又用出了一个it is asecure way to,这样接近于固定搭配的表达方法。后半句的用词非常的漂亮,简洁so thatfurther work,相比起来,平庸范例就找不到furtherwork,这么准确的表达方法,因此只能写出来no taskswould be delayed。而且在用词的准确性上,优秀范例的postponed,用在此处其实是非常合适的,但是平庸范例的delayed,用在此处则并不是特别合适。postponed是表示因为别的原因而导致这个东西被推迟,而delayed则表示因为自己的原因而迟到,因此非常的显然,delayed用在此处其实并不准确。最后一句话优秀范例,But tobe devoted and make sure every detail is set in a satisfactory way is not onlyresponsible to ourselves but also offer convinience for others. 对比平庸范例We should make that each detail should be completedin good ways, this not only takes responsibility for ourselves, but also makeothers believe us,首先But tobe devoted and make sure又是一个典型的模板句,可以拿过来直接用的,然后再接下来一个小词set,用在此处也用得特别准确,地道,而对比平庸范例就只能写出来be completed。而且优秀范例还用出来了一个in asatisfactory way,虽然不是特别的漂亮,但是平庸范例就只知道使用in good ways,因此显得优秀范例那么光芒四溢,当然,优秀范例本身还带了,not only…… but also……这样的固定搭配,自带加分项。最后优秀范例还用出了非常简洁的offerconvinience for others.,把平庸范例只能用动词makeothers believe us,优秀范例用了一个convinience,就给搞定了,当然也显得光芒万丈。