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无老师平庸范例:This statement is wrong, and the another reason for this is that it can not see the technology is developing, and it liberates our human from hard work, and it makes machines and computers do the jobs that people do. We all know that many farm owners are managing their farms by the most advance machines. At the same time, it is not new that many people are using computers to manage the factories. But they are imposibble in many years ago, but today, they are the most obvious examples of how a company run without many people.



本段,一共就4句。第一句,优秀范例:Another reason why the statement is false is that it neglects the growing power of modern technology, which releases people from their labor and put machines and computers in places which employees originally occupy.对比平庸范例This statement is wrong, and the another reason for this is that it can not see the technology is developing, and it liberates our human from hard work, and it makes machines and computers do the jobs that people do.从开头我们就一下能辨别出优秀范例,与平庸范例的差别,在这里平庸范例的This statement is wrong,几乎就是字对字的把单词堆砌起来的,但是优秀范例首先一个another即显示出本段是承接上一段进行进一步论述的,这一点,平庸范例根本显示不出来。其次,优秀范例对于表示对一个观点的否定的时候,用的也是false,而不是比较口语的wrong。接下来,优秀范例,在表达忽略的时候用的也是neglect,也是很书面化,加分!不仅如此,接下来,优秀范例用的growing power写的也是很贴切,而不是像平庸范例写的technology is developing句型写的这么简单和常见。而在这个时候,如果我们跳到更高的高度的话,还会发现优秀范例的Another reason why the statement is false is that it neglects这个句型一气呵成,逻辑衔接得非常好,我们可以直接抄下来,当作常用加分句式。

后半句,优秀范例选词其实一般,但是两个固定搭配很好,首先是releases ….. from…..用的很好,第二个是put ……. in places,两个固定搭配看似平庸,但是当我们把真正的平庸范例makes machines and computers do the jobs,拿过来的时候,我们就会发现,原来优秀范例写的颇有一些文绉绉的感觉!也就是把你提走了不说提走了,而是说找人替代了你的位置,言下之意,也就是这里不需要你了。而且优秀范例最后用的employees originally occupy,这里的originally occupy用的特别好,首先originally,那就说明,now,这里已经没有你的位置了。然后occupy,对应前面的place,颇有前后呼应的感觉。至于平庸范例do来,do去的,过于口语化。

第二句,优秀范例It is a common phenomenon now that tremendous farm land are being well organized under the control of merely its owner taking advantage of the most advanced machines.对比平庸范例We all know that many farm owners are managing their farms by the most advance machines.优秀范例的It is a common phenomenon now that显得非常的书面,颇有一种“纵观古今,我们都知道这样一个道理”的大会作报告的感觉扑面而来!赞~\(≧▽≦)/~!至于平庸范例的We all know that,就好像是“大伙想想,是不是这个理”口语化倾向很浓厚。接下来的tremendous farm land也就是还好。但是后面的一连串组合拳很漂亮,首先是are being well organized强调现在已经是正在实行的情况,其二,under the control of merely its owner,用介宾短语under+名词结构,而不是用很僵化的by doing。而且优秀范例最后还用了伴随状语taking advantage of,使得句式很多样化,而且其本身还是一个固定搭配take advantage of,更是给自己加分!

第三句,优秀范例Also, factories that “hires” computers to manage the mass production is no longer news.对比平庸范例At the same time, it is not new that many people are using computers to manage the factories.这里优秀范例很俏皮的用了hires,而不是buy,第一点与前面的取代了人的位置相呼应,因为hire只能hire人,但是在这里hire的是computers,其实就是在强调computers取代了人的位置。其次,mass production没有用常见的factory production,亦或者assembly line,不见得有多好,但是代表自己掌握的单词量很丰富,这也是给自己加分的。而且最后的no longer news也得很漂亮,用否定的方式,来表达肯定的意思,这个东西已经不新鲜了,也就是已经司空见惯了,更证明自己的论述很有道理。

最后一句,优秀范例Neither of these seemed even possible only decades ago, but they now obvious examples of how a bussiness could be run without employees.对比平庸范例But they are imposibble in many years ago, but today, they are the most obvious examples of how a company run without many people.首先,作者将否定词Neither放置于句首,而不是像平庸范例一样用imposibble来表示否定,比较新颖,本身就使得句式与众不同,加分!然后,表示几十年之前,也没有用many years ago这样很常见的方式,而是直接秀了一下词汇量,用了decade这个词“10年”,词汇量赞!最后的亮点,就是在于but they now obvious examples of这个链接的很好,首先用they,呼应前文,然后用obvious examples of引导出自己的例子来支持自己的观点,浑然天成!而且优秀范例最后还用到了employee这个词,看似平淡无奇,但是反观平庸范例的用的是many people,顿觉得优秀范例用词准确。



无老师优秀范例:Another reason why I advocate for space technology is that it does good to dwellers on earth not only in the future, but also today,– at this very hour, at this very minute, at this very second. Without satellites, an Australian could never be able to, say, take a day off, be a couch potato, watch a football game on the opposite side of the planet. With satellites, never will a Chinese professor travel by air to an academic meeting in America, and still step out of the plane with a trembling hand.


无老师平庸范例:Another reason why I support the space technology is that it will not only good to the people on the earth in the future, but also today, at each hour, at each minute, and at each second. If we do not have a satellite, an Australian can not have a holiday to watch the football game in his coach in the other side of the earth. If we have a satellite, a Chinese professor will not fly to the United States to join in an academic meeting, and walk out the plane with shaking hands.

无老师精析:不同的优秀文章,各有各的不同。本篇的优点就在于句式的丰富多样性,有排比,有倒装,断句的很清爽,让人读起来丝毫没有压力!怎一个爽字了得,而且还有couch potato这样的地道用语,简直就像是听看一场道地的讲座。点个赞!

首先第一句,优秀范例Another reason why I advocate for space technology is that it does good to dwellers on earth not only in the future, but also today,– at this very hour, at this very minute, at this very second.对比平庸范例Another reason why I support the space technology is that it will not only good to the people on the earth in the future, but also today, at each hour, at each minute, and at each second.优秀范例真的是要星星眼!写的太赞了!首先Another reason why I advocate for,一气呵成,拿来当模板用!赞~\(≧▽≦)/~!然后第二大亮点是强调句式does good!加分!平庸范例就丝毫没有体现出这层意思!第三点用词准确dwellers,特质当地的居民,而不像是平庸范例的people那么泛泛。第四点not only为了配合but also而特意放在句子末端,而不是像平庸范例那样放在句子中段,狂点赞!尤其是优秀范例最后的部分,一连串并列at this very hour, at this very minute, at this very second步步递进!大赞的模板句!而且还加上了very这样的强调句式!真的是振聋发聩!一句话集齐32个赞,晋级!

第二句,优秀范例Without satellites, an Australian could never be able to, say, take a day off, be a couch potato, watch a football game on the opposite side of the planet.对比平庸范例:If we do not have a satellite, an Australian can not have a holiday to watch the football game in his coach in the other side of the earth.首先优秀范例简洁的Without satellites,一个回合就KO了平庸范例臃肿的If we do not have a satellite,然后再接下来,优秀范例的节奏感特别好,首先“, say,”一个插入语,轻轻敲起,就像是架子鼓在远方点燃我们的激情,然后take a day off又是一个逗号“,”,其后“be a couch potato”后面又是一个逗号,凌厉的三板斧,做得漂亮!不仅如此,这两个小短句还写的很地道,前面表示“休假”没有用holiday,而是用了固定搭配take a day off,其后的couch potato更是地道的用法,专指那些堆在沙发里看电视的胖子,最后on the opposite side of这里的opposite也是的很准确,指的是地球完全相反的另一段,而不像是平庸范例那样的other side,“另一端”是完全相对的,还是靠着我们的?表达的就完全没有opposite side这么准确。

第三句,优秀范例With satellites, never will a Chinese professor travel by air to an academic meeting in America, and still step out of the plane with a trembling hand.对比平庸范例If we have a satellite, a Chinese professor will not fly to the United States to join in an academic meeting, and walk out the plane with shaking hands.首先平庸范例If we have a satellite就又是完败给了优秀范例的With satellites,然后优秀范例竟然用起了必杀技never will a Chinese professor——倒装句!加分!而且优秀范例的“乘飞机”也没有用平庸范例的fly to ,而是用了travel by air,稍有加分。至于优秀范例的still这个词和后面的a trembling hand用得很有画面感,小伙伴们可以体会一下。^_^至于平庸范例的shaking hands写的就不好了,因为会产生“握手”的歧义。



无老师优秀范例:In the early periods of almost every bussiness, employee is not a neccesity. Founders of companies who are originally, in many cases, poor in money but sharp in mind start their empire by simply running on foot delivering mails or collecting wastes. Bill Gates left Harvard for his promising business, which, at that time, was hardly a company, with only a friend and intelligent ideas. Similarly, Buffet’s first buisiness was simply renting an old-fashioned game machine to passing people and obviously it was impossible for him to hire an employee.


无老师平庸范例:At the begining of each company, employee is very important. The people who build the company is very poor, but they are very smart, and they can start their own business, by sending things, or finding wastes. When Bill Gates give up schools for his own business, at that time, it is not a company, he only has a good friend, and a good idea. Just the same, Buffet’s first company is selling old game machines to the people who walk around, and obviously he could not have an employee.










第一句,优秀范例In the early periods of almost every bussiness, employee is not a neccesity.对比平庸范例At the begining of each company, employee is very important.在本句之中,优秀范例有两大优点,第一点是描写的很细致,也就是在本句话的开头,不仅用early做了限定,而且还用了almost every进行了限定,这就使得本句话的细节非常的丰富,这就好比是,你问我爱你有多深,如果你直接回答,非常爱你,那就没有力度,但是如果你回答,你是我的优乐美,那么对方就感觉很温暖,是一个道理,第二大优点就在于作者又用了形容词的名词化neccesity,本来是该用necessary的,但是作者在这里掉一下书袋,故意写的很书面化,没有用形容词,而是用了名词neccesity,这就写得很漂亮。

第二句优秀范例:Founders of companies who are originally, in many cases, poor in money but sharp in mind start their empire by simply running on foot delivering mails or collecting wastes.对比平庸范例The people who build the company is very poor, but they are very smart, and they can start their own business, by sending things, or finding wastes.首先说关联,本局之中,优秀范例首先用了Founder与companies,这样呼应前一句的bussiness,起到了关联的作用,表明这两句话说的是相同主题。之后,再来看这句优秀范例,首先作者当表达“创始人”的时候,没有十分笨拙的,像平庸范例一样用The people who build the company,而是直接用了一个Founders来表达,简练,直接,然后又用了originally表达“最启示”的状态,而不是土土的用一个at the beginning,然后为了增加自己说话的严密性,优秀范例又用了in many cases,表示“大多数情况下”。

接下来,优秀范例用了一个poor,看似平常,但是在后面又加入了in money,因为poor既可能表示穷困,也可能表示贫乏,比如说思想的贫乏,这里加入in money,限定的就很准确,而且一定程度上,还克服了poor有些口语化的问题,接下来作者妙笔出现!前面poor in money一抑,后面but sharp in mind一扬,节奏感超棒!充分突出了Founders思想上的锐利!然后优秀范例没有继续用company亦或者business,而是用了empire“帝国”一个词就描绘出建立的公司的庞大规模!十分到位!至于最后的foot delivering mails,就必须要感叹作者描绘的准确性,用foot限定delivering mails,显示出创业的艰辛。

第三句,开始举例了,优秀范例Bill Gates left Harvard for his promising business, which, at that time, was hardly a company, with only a friend and intelligent ideas.对比平庸范例When Bill Gates give up schools for his own business, at that time, it is not a company, he only has a good friend, and a good idea.显然作者最出彩的就是用词的准确性上!一次点睛之处处处可见!首先用Bill Gates与前文的Founders of companies呼应,然后用了一个promising“非常有前途”,一词点出大业在前,马上成功的感觉!然后接下来,作者为了避免句式过于单一,于是在which这个从句中插入了at that time,调整句子节奏,然后一个hardly用的很巧妙!表示“这几乎还不能算是个公司”,这里就引起了作者的好奇心,那么他有什么呢?最后用with only a friend and intelligent ideas揭开谜底,原来是有一位志同道合的朋友,和一个聪慧的见解。

最后一句,优秀范例Similarly, Buffet’s first buisiness was simply renting an old-fashioned game machine to passing people and obviously it was impossible for him to hire an employee.对比平庸范例Just the same, Buffet’s first company is selling old game machines to the people who walk around, and obviously he could not have an employee.首先,优秀范例先亮出Similarly,表示与前文相似,亦是表明本句话与前一句话一样的,都是举例,然后再亮出Buffet,显示出与前文的Bill Gates是相对应的。然后又用simply,显示出这里的Buffet的特点,也与Bill Gates是一样的,就是初创阶段极为简单!然后接下来用了old-fashioned,秀一下自己的阅读量!与平庸范例单纯一个old是大不相同的!我的词汇量大很多!然后优秀范例甩出一个passing people,与前面的old-fashioned异曲同工,也就是没看到,还真不确定该怎么说,但是一旦看到,就觉得就应该这么说,就是这个意思!

在最后阶段,两处两点impossible for somebody to do something这个固定搭配,想想我们平时用了无数次的can not,顿觉得,还是有些新意的。最后,hire不见得用的多好,而使用的很准确,对比平庸范例的have,顿觉得have这个词用的太宽泛了!不准确,在表达“雇佣”的时候,就该用hire。



无老师优秀范例:The major reason for my propensity for space technology is the potential of scientific research. No matter how the impact it occurred, from the moment of its very advent, scientific research had become the very dictator of our future. It is by these researches that human beings, the only creature with intelligence on the earth, began to beat their wings of aspiration. And more importantly, it had indeed done a great good for the humankind. Can you imagine getting access to the world wide web at your desk after rising in the morning without the research of millions of computer ancestors? Similarly, it is highly probable that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren would be enjoying a trip across the “worm hole” while giving thanks secretly to his forefather, you, who voted for the expenditure on scientific research. In a word, the space project enjoys great potential, and should therefore be taken into account in top priority to ensure a better future of mankind.


无老师平庸范例:The main reason that I support space technology is the potential of science. Now matter how many impacts they have made, from the first day, science was our future world’s important power. Because of these science, humans as the first clever animal, open their hope’s wing. The more important thing is that it is very good to humans. You can think when we are awake in the morning, we can go to the internet on our desk, if we do not have so many computer old people? Similarly, that is possible that our next generations can join the worm hole journey, and they will thank to you as the ancestor who vote for the science. All in all, space projects have big potentials, they should be put at the first priority to consider.






第一句,优秀范例:The major reason for my propensity for space technology is the potential of scientific research.对比平庸范例The main reason that I support space technology is the potential of science. 本句话,我们平时写支持某个观点,很有可能写的就是类似于平庸范例的The main reason that I support,用动词support来表示支持。但是优秀范例故意用了名词性的my propensity for就显得词汇量非常丰富,而且也使得表达方式很新颖和多样化,其实这可以当做一个小的模板来用,然后再接下来,优秀范例的the potential为后文铺平了道路,也指明了本段的写作方向,这都是极好的加分点!

第二句,优秀范例No matter how the impact it occurred, from the moment of its very advent, scientific research had become the very dictator of our future.对比平庸范例Now matter how many impacts they have made, from the first day, science was our future world’s important power.首先本句用了the impact和it occur与前一句的potential of scientific research相呼应,使得前后两句话相关联起来。然后再接下来,优秀范例用了No matter作为句首,使得本句话没有延续上句的主谓宾的节奏,使得读者读起来不会感觉到疲劳,而且本句话的两个逗号也非常好的调整了本句话的节奏,使得读者读起来会感觉结构很易懂,这是作为句型的优点。表达方法上来说,优秀范例不仅用了advent来显示自己的词汇的丰富性,而且还分别用了the moment of和very来对其进行强调,这是非常漂亮的加分项,然后优秀范例还不满足,又再次祭出了强调用法very来强调dictator,其实这里最漂亮的,就是dictator这个词,因为我们平时最有可能用到的并不是dictator这个词,而是很有可能用到determine这样的词,但是作者跳出了这句局限,用了dictator“独裁者”来显示其的权威性,这就好像说一个人漂亮,不单纯说其很漂亮,而是说对方把范冰冰、李冰冰、angelbaby的优点集合于一身的感觉,这就写得非常令人感同身受,赞~\(≧▽≦)/~!

第三句,优秀范例It is by these researches that human beings, the only creature with intelligence on the earth, began to beat their wings of aspiration.对比平庸范例Because of these science, humans as the first clever animal, open their hope’s wing.就会发现平庸范例的as the first clever animal和hope’s wing真的都只是东施效颦,写的完全词不达意。首先优秀范例用了强调句式It is…that,特别强调researches 的作用,而且这里的these researches还起到与前文呼应的作用,使得本句与前一句所提到scientific research产生关联,说明本句话与前一句话,还是讨论相同的内容。而且从第一句的,单纯的主谓宾句式,到第二句的No matter位于句首,再到本句话的It is…that的强调句式3句话,每句一个新的表达方式,让考官怎能不加分!然后优秀范例竟然再次祭出同位语!the only creature with intelligence on earth对于前面的human beings进行解释和说明,相当于大魔术之中,也就是3句话3个句型之中,又套了一个小魔术同位语,真是让人击掌叫好!而且在这里,优秀范例的选词也都非常书面化,creature和intelligence都是非常书面化的用语,而且最后又用on earth对其进行限定,漂亮!而且这里的结尾写得非常有诗意!beat their wings of aspiration“张开了希望的翅膀”,几乎是诗意的文字!考官看到都要醉了!

第四句,优秀范例And more importantly, it had indeed done a great good for the humankind.对比平庸范例The more important thing is that it is very good to humans.优秀范例首先又用and和more与前文进行连接,然后优秀范例的more importantly,看似平淡无奇,但是当我们看到平庸范例的The more important thing看吐了之后,就发现,优秀范例写的真简洁,真好啊!然后优秀范例又用了indeed来进行语气的加强,加分!其后a great good看似平淡无奇,不就是表示“好”么,有什么了不起的。实际上吧,小伙伴们有没有发现,这里的good,不是形容词,而是名词!是的,这里的good不是形容词,“好”的意思,而是名词“善良”的意思!是不是感觉,自己之前都没有这样用过?

第五句,优秀范例Can you imagine getting access to the world wide web at your desk after rising in the morning without the research of millions of computer ancestors?平庸范例You can think when we are awake in the morning, we can go to the internet on our desk, if we do not have so many computer old people?首先,优秀范例的Can you imagine,写的很地道!然后再接下来,不知道小伙伴们有没有疑惑过,“上网”到底该怎么写?是的,优秀范例,在这里给你做了一个完美的范例getting access to the world wide web,精彩!然后“早晨起来”到底该怎么写,我们通常都是像平庸范例一样,写个从句when we are awake in the morning,但是实际上,优秀范例,只需要一个简单的介宾短语after rising in the morning,这就够了!为什么要用那么麻烦的从句的形式呢?同理,你们再比较一下优秀范例的without the research of millions of computer ancestors和平庸范例的if we do not have so many computer old people,懂不?

第六句,优秀范例Similarly, it is highly probable that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren would be enjoying a trip across the “worm hole” while giving thanks secretly to his forefather, you, who voted for the expenditure on scientific research.对比平庸范例Similarly, that is possible that our next generations can join the worm hole journey, and they will thank to you as the ancestor who vote for the science.小伙伴们是不是觉得,像平庸范例那样,总是用possible已经感觉到累了,是的,优秀范例告诉你,这种句型下,可以用it is probable that,不仅如此,还可以用一个副词highly来修饰probable,表示很大的可能性。接下来,优秀范例调皮了,竟然写出了the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren,无老师只能暗暗地说一声:你狠!然后找个小本,飞快的记下来,原来几代之后子孙,是这么写的。其后,优秀范例的enjoy写的也很地道,在这里用了enjoy,而不是用了take,可以表明,优秀范例的英语,至少已经“小成”了!然后,优秀范例竟然想到了,“worm hole”虫洞的例子,只觉得让人脑洞大开,原来还可以这样!

这就完了么?没有!优秀范例接下来又把thank给名词化,并且配上了giving,组成giving thanks,然后再用secretly来就是giving thanks,组成giving thanks secretly to,写得十分精细,而且书面化!不加分都难!而且,作者又精巧的写出his forefather, you,又是用到了同位语,来进行补充说明,而且也将句子的节奏调整的恰到好处,否则,小伙伴们有没有发现,写到这里句子已经很长了,读者马上就要烦躁了,恰好此时,用一个同位语来断句,调整好句子的结构,让读者喘一口气,继续欣赏下去。至于在优秀范例的最后,作者再次用了vote和expenditure,小秀一下自己的词汇量,是的,老娘的英语就是这么凶悍!

最后一句,优秀范例:In a word, the space project enjoys great potential, and should therefore be taken into account in top priority to ensure a better future of mankind.对比平庸范例All in all, space projects have big potentials, they should be put at the first priority to consider.最后一句话,In a word只能算是标准配置,算不得亮点,接下来的两个亮点,小伙伴们已经遇到过了,就是enjoy和potential,这里,无老师特别强调一下enjoy这个词,很好用的一个词,用的好的话,可以代替take,have等一系列常用的动词,建议小伙伴们多找些例句学习一下。至于优秀范例最后半句话,真的是发力很猛!taken into account in“选择”、top priority“首选”以及a better future“光明的未来”,3个固定搭配,都是耳熟能详,建议小伙伴们都背下来,都是很好用的固定搭配,而且又搭配了一个ensure,虽然很简单,但是我们平时真的用的不多,所以也算加分项!




无老师优秀范例:Some people think that we could develop economic first and protect the environment when we’ve got enough money. Well, at that time we may hold a bunch of dollars in hand, looking around the devastated land and whispering “it’s too late.” Human desire can never be fulfilled. We’ve no idea how much money is enough. However, one thing is for sure, that the damage we make to environment is irreversible and irreparable. You can’t pour industrial wastewater to the ocean and wish that the chemical toxicant will forever stay there, waiting for you to recycle with your latest equipment. You can’t cut down the whole rainforest and expect it to grow back in 10 years to keep absorbing carbon dioxide with your magical auxin. Like time, some mistake, once have been made, could never be fixed. Environment is the clearest example. So, to avoid such tragedy, the government has better focus on environmental protection now.


无老师平庸范例:Some people think that we should firstly develop economic, and when we are rich, we can protect the environment. At that time, we may hold a handful money, and look at the around waste land, and say to ourselves that “everything is too late”. Human’s hope can not be fufilled. We do not know how much money is enough. But one thing is sure, the destroying that our human have done to the environment could not be turned over, or be repaired. You can not let the waste water into the ocean, and hope they will stay there, and we can save them when we have the newest equipments. You can not cut off the whole forests and hope they will grow out in ten years, and use their magic chemicals to absorb carbon dioxide. Some mistake which are like the time had been done, they never could be corrected. The environment is the obvious example. So, in order to avoid this tragedy, the goverment should start to pay attention to protect environment.



首先第一句,优秀范例:Some people think that we could develop economic first and protect the environment when we’ve got enough money.对比平庸范例Some people think that we should firstly develop economic, and when we are rich, we can protect the environment.在这里优秀范例,并没有太多发力,如果非要说有亮点的话,就应该在于对于2个小词的使用上,第一个是first,第二个是and。其实first很容易辨别,只要稍微注意一下平庸范例用的firstly的位置就会发现,平庸范例,写的完全是按照中文语序来写的,而优秀范例放在develop economic之后,才是正确的用法。第二个亮点是and,and这个词我们之前只知道它是表示并列,但是实际上,这个词还有一个顺承的用法,也就是因为前面事情的发生,而自然而然会发生后面的事情,这个时候不用then,一个and就直接解决战斗,在此处,优秀范例不动声色的,来了一个and,可以说很漂亮。

第二句,优秀范例Well, at that time we may hold a bunch of dollars in hand, looking around the devastated land and whispering “it’s too late.”对比平庸范例At that time, we may hold a handful money, and look at the around waste land, and say to ourselves that “everything is too late”.我们会发现,优秀范例句首的well,和that其实就直接起到了逻辑连接的作用,熟悉英语的人会知道,一个well位于句首,其实就是前文提出了一个想法,这里要表达自己的观点了,虽然有些口语化,但是还勉强可以接受,然后的that,就更为直观的,表明自己要继续论述。接下来,优秀范例的hold用的很生动,画面感极强,想想一个人抓这一把钱,但是周围空无一物,场面感极好!然后接下来,优秀范例为了承接hold和后面的in hand用了a bunch of而不是many,说明作者对词的感觉极好,清楚词汇之间该怎么搭配。然后再接下来的devastated和whisper,就是作者统治级的词汇量的展现了。相比下来,平庸范例的waste和say to ourselves,就直接被秒杀了!

第三四句,优秀范例Human desire can never be fulfilled. We’ve no idea how much money is enough.对比平庸范例:Human’s hope can not be fufilled. We do not know how much money is enough.首先,优秀范例的desire写的很准确,这里作者想表达的是人类的“欲望”,此处像平庸范例那样用hope是不对的,hope是一种希望,实现不实现都行,而desire是一种赤裸裸的贪欲,是要被满足的,因此此处一定要像优秀范例那样用desire。然后第四句,优秀范例的have no idea就写得很书面化了,不像do not know那样过于口语化,加分!作文的用词就是要像大会讲话一样冠冕堂皇,不能像兄弟们喝酒那样市井气很浓。

第五句,优秀范例:However, one thing is for sure, that the damage we make to environment is irreversible and irreparable.对比平庸范例But one thing is sure, the destroying that our human have done to the environment could not be turned over, or be repaired.(*@ο@*) 哇~!优秀范例用的太地道了!首先是is for sure写的太地道了!这就好像你跟别人说“那是必须的~~~”那么地道!然后再接下来,优秀范例又贱贱的把we make前面的that给省略了,地道!最后优秀范例反手两刀irreversible和irreparable,直接两个词,轻松解决战斗,但是平庸范例则是很费力写出了not be turned over, or be repaired,十分的拖沓冗长。

第六句,优秀范例:You can’t pour industrial wastewater to the ocean and wish that the chemical toxicant will forever stay there, waiting for you to recycle with your latest equipment.对比平庸范例You can not let the waste water into the ocean, and hope they will stay there, and we can save them when we have the newest equipments.平心而论,优秀范例前半句话,还是显得过于随意,过于口语了,You can’t这样的句式放在句首,不是很严肃。不过接下来,优秀范例的industrial wastewater和chemical toxicant还是显示出了自己的词汇量,点赞。不过接下来的forever stay there就又口语化了。总结下来本句话到这,两个减分点You can’t和forever stay there,一个加分点industrial wastewater和chemical toxicant,减分点获胜。不过在本句话最后,优秀范例还是找回了一些颜面首先是waiting for的伴随状态,没有像平庸范例那样,用了笨拙的and句式,然后的recycle和latest两个词虽然不难,但是贵在精准!恰到好处,也是加分点。相比起来,当我们看到平庸范例的save和newest,就会让人感叹一下,哪有人这么说话啊!

第七句,优秀范例You can’t cut down the whole rainforest and expect it to grow back in 10 years to keep absorbing carbon dioxide with your magical auxin.对比平庸范例You can not cut off the whole forests and hope they will grow out in ten years, and use their magic chemicals to absorb carbon dioxide.同上,用you作为句子开头,不好。不过下面的几个小词用的还不错,cut down、rainforest、expect看上去没感觉,但是再对比一下平庸范例的forest和hope的泛泛之谈,我们就会发现,反过来,cut down、rainforest、expect这几个词用的还满准确地!至于接下来的词汇量的展示carbon dioxide和magical auxin,当我们看完前面的优秀范例之后,就会发现,这些都是作者应有的实力。

第八句和第九句,有些诗意了哦!优秀范例:Like time, some mistake, once have been made, could never be fixed. Environment is the clearest example.对比平庸范例Some mistake which are like the time had been done, they never could be corrected. The environment is the obvious example.这句话,就充分体现出作者的阅读量和语感,主要就是体现在逗号的运用上,首先,就提出Like time,然后一个逗号,再放出some mistake,这样人们就不会疑惑,到底谁是主语,读起来就非常的清晰,然后一个once也是用的很巧妙,在这一表示“一旦”就使得句子产生了前后的逻辑关系,这样就有层次感了,表示之前一旦做了什么,那么后果就……再一个逗号,放出could never be fixed承接上面的主语some mistake,没有用一个when或者if引导的从句,但是充分体现了其中的逻辑关系,而且十分的清晰,这就是高手之作!再对比平庸范例笨拙的which从句,就显得优秀范例,清新的感觉扑面而来!然后第九句Environment is the clearest example,简单清晰,不过也无甚亮点,算是中规中矩。

第十句,漂亮的收尾,优秀范例So, to avoid such tragedy, the government has better focus on environmental protection now. 对比平庸范例So, in order to avoid this tragedy, the goverment should start to pay attention to protect environment.首先做着,一个So,表示自己要收网了!优秀范例的to avoid和平庸范例的in order to avoid可以说不分伯仲,优秀范例的贵在简洁,但是平庸范例的则是很书面,各有千秋。但是接下来优秀范例的小such就用的很漂亮了,因为such特指前文出现的内容,这写的很准确,相比之下,平庸范例的this就真的是有些指代不清楚了,到底是指什么,说的不清晰。接下来优秀范例的has better用的很简洁,相比之下平庸范例的should start to pay attention to本来问题不大,但是跟优秀范例一对比,就显得笨手笨脚,累赘拖沓。最后,优秀范例当说到环境保护的时候,特意用了名词化的environmental protection,而不是像平庸范例那样继续用动词形式protect environment,优秀范例名词性的environmental protection显然又加一分!
