无老师优秀范例:Another reason why I advocate for space technology is that it does good to dwellers on earth not only in the future, but also today,-- at this very hour, at this very minute, at this very second. Without satellites, an Australian could never be able to, say, take a day off, be a couch potato, watch a football game on the opposite side of the planet. With satellites, never will a Chinese professor travel by air to an academic meeting in America, and still step out of the plane with a trembling hand.
无老师平庸范例:Another reason why I support the space technology is that it will not only good to the people on the earth in the future, but also today, at each hour, at each minute, and at each second. If we do not have a satellite, an Australian can not have a holiday to watch the football game in his coach in the other side of the earth. If we have a satellite, a Chinese professor will not fly to the United States to join in an academic meeting, and walk out the plane with shaking hands.
无老师精析:不同的优秀文章,各有各的不同。本篇的优点就在于句式的丰富多样性,有排比,有倒装,断句的很清爽,让人读起来丝毫没有压力!怎一个爽字了得,而且还有couch potato这样的地道用语,简直就像是听看一场道地的讲座。点个赞!
首先第一句,优秀范例Another reason why I advocate for space technology is that it does good to dwellers on earth not only in the future, but also today,-- at this very hour, at this very minute, at this very second.对比平庸范例Another reason why I support the space technology is that it will not only good to the people on the earth in the future, but also today, at each hour, at each minute, and at each second.优秀范例真的是要星星眼!写的太赞了!首先Another reason why I advocate for,一气呵成,拿来当模板用!赞~\(≧▽≦)/~!然后第二大亮点是强调句式does good!加分!平庸范例就丝毫没有体现出这层意思!第三点用词准确dwellers,特质当地的居民,而不像是平庸范例的people那么泛泛。第四点not only为了配合but also而特意放在句子末端,而不是像平庸范例那样放在句子中段,狂点赞!尤其是优秀范例最后的部分,一连串并列at this very hour, at this very minute, at this very second步步递进!大赞的模板句!而且还加上了very这样的强调句式!真的是振聋发聩!一句话集齐32个赞,晋级!
第二句,优秀范例Without satellites, an Australian could never be able to, say, take a day off, be a couch potato, watch a football game on the opposite side of the planet.对比平庸范例:If we do not have a satellite, an Australian can not have a holiday to watch the football game in his coach in the other side of the earth.首先优秀范例简洁的Without satellites,一个回合就KO了平庸范例臃肿的If we do not have a satellite,然后再接下来,优秀范例的节奏感特别好,首先“, say,”一个插入语,轻轻敲起,就像是架子鼓在远方点燃我们的激情,然后take a day off又是一个逗号“,”,其后“be a couch potato”后面又是一个逗号,凌厉的三板斧,做得漂亮!不仅如此,这两个小短句还写的很地道,前面表示“休假”没有用holiday,而是用了固定搭配take a day off,其后的couch potato更是地道的用法,专指那些堆在沙发里看电视的胖子,最后on the opposite side of这里的opposite也是的很准确,指的是地球完全相反的另一段,而不像是平庸范例那样的other side,“另一端”是完全相对的,还是靠着我们的?表达的就完全没有opposite side这么准确。
第三句,优秀范例With satellites, never will a Chinese professor travel by air to an academic meeting in America, and still step out of the plane with a trembling hand.对比平庸范例If we have a satellite, a Chinese professor will not fly to the United States to join in an academic meeting, and walk out the plane with shaking hands.首先平庸范例If we have a satellite就又是完败给了优秀范例的With satellites,然后优秀范例竟然用起了必杀技never will a Chinese professor——倒装句!加分!而且优秀范例的“乘飞机”也没有用平庸范例的fly to ,而是用了travel by air,稍有加分。至于优秀范例的still这个词和后面的a trembling hand用得很有画面感,小伙伴们可以体会一下。^_^至于平庸范例的shaking hands写的就不好了,因为会产生“握手”的歧义。