
无老师优秀范例:The major reason for my propensity for space technology is the potential of scientific research. No matter how the impact it occurred, from the moment of its very advent, scientific research had become the very dictator of our future. It is by these researches that human beings, the only creature with intelligence on earth, began to soar their wings of aspiration. And more importantly, it had indeed done a great good for the humankind. Can you imagine getting access to the world wide web at your desk if there were not for the research of millions of computer ancestors? Similarly, it is highly probable that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren would be enjoying a trip across the “worm hole” while giving thanks secretly to his forefather, you, who voted for the expenditure on scientific research. In a word, the space project enjoys great potential, and should therefore be taken into account in top priority to ensure a better future of mankind. 无老师优秀翻译:我非常支持空间技术的最大的原因是他的科研上的潜力。不管它能产生多大的影响,从它出现的那一天起,科学研究就成了我们未来的灯塔。就是因为这些科学研究,我们人类,作为地球上唯一的智慧生物,终于可以开始展开我们希望的翅膀。而且,更重要的是,这就是对我们人类来说最大的益处!你能想象在你的书桌就可以连上互联网,如果不是有那些无数的电脑先驱的话?同样的,很有可能的是,你的曾孙女的曾孙女将会穿越“虫洞”来进行旅行的时候,将会暗暗地感谢他的先祖,也就是你本人,为这个科学上的探索投了支持票。总而言之,空间项目会有巨大的潜力,因此也应该被寄予最高的优先级来保证人类的美好的未来。 无老师平庸翻译:The reason why I support the space technology is its big potential in science. No matter how big it is, from the day that it was made, science is our indicator. Because of these science, our human as the only animal who have intelligence, finally could expand our wing of hope. Besides, the more important, it is the biggest good for ourselves. Could you imagine that you could connect to the internet without so many ancestors? At the same time, it is possible that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren will make a travel through a worm hole, will thank to her ancestors yourself who have voted for the science. All in all, space project have big potential, and so should be given very high priority to make sure bright future of human. 作文巨讲堂,无坚不摧,无往不利。本片作文巨讲堂的指导意义又上了一个新的台阶!在我们过去写的数十篇作文巨讲堂之中,优秀范例和平庸范例,从未出现如此之大的差别,如果说之前的差别是1-10之间的差别的话,那么本片的差别则是1与30之间的差别。同时也让我们有了前所未有的对于文章的理解,当然这也说明了本篇文章的高度。 马年,我们就以此为题!第一步,马上枪!The major reason for my propensity for space technology is the potential of scientific research.对比平庸范例The reason why I support the space technology is its big potential in science.显然在这句话里面,优秀范例首先用一个major显示出本段的重要性,然后再接下来,用了propensity秀了一下自己的单词量,这跟动作电影猛男都要秀肌肉,是一样的情节。最后又用一个potential of的结构显示出与scientific research紧密的关系,相比之下,平庸范例里的potential in science这个in就显得稍微有些中式英语,也就是看上去也对,但是英语里就不会这么说。 第二句,把马跳!No matter how the impact it occurred, from the moment of its very advent, scientific research had become the very dictator of our future.对应的,平庸范例No matter how big it is, from the day that it was made, science is our indicator.在本句的优秀范例里,其实it occurred是有些多余的,完全可以写得更简洁些,但是后面的还是写的很精彩的,首先就是moment和advent这两个词用的非常准确,中国考生往往只能想到用动词happen,不仅如此,作者还有了一个very进行强调,顿时高大上了好几层楼啊!在本句话后面又写出了dictator of our future,表示“未来的指引者”顿时有那么一丝丝的哲学意味飘然而来,让人肃然起敬。当然,作者还是忍不住又用了一个very来表示强调,我们只能还以微笑了。 第三句,让我们想起了那句歌词:在你的心上,自由的飞翔~~~~ It is by these researches that human beings, the only creature with intelligence on earth, began to soar their wings of aspiration.对比起平庸范例Because of these science, our human as the only animal who have intelligence, finally could expand our wing of hope.顿时让人怀疑,作者的格调这么高,已经快进入心灵鸡汤的境界了!首先是the only creature with intelligence on earth,顿时感觉耳边响起了《动物世界》里面赵忠祥老师的声音~“在苍茫的大草原的深处,有一群生物在成群结队的迁徙”。作者的境界,真的是让人仰视啊!接下来优秀范例又写出了soar their wings of aspiration这句话感觉只有在TED讲台上的导师才能说出来的振奋人心的话!太牛了!虽然平庸范例也写出了类似的意思,但是who have和expand our wing完全就是词不达意。 第四句,马队熊进!And more importantly, it had indeed done a great good for the humankind.对比平庸范例Besides, the more important, it is the biggest good for ourselves.这里优秀范例的一个indeed是作者饱满的情感满溢而出,然后又用一个humankind显示出作者囊括全人类的情怀,不禁让人侧目! 第五句,优秀范例Can you imagine getting access to the world wide web at your desk if there were not for the research of millions of computer ancestors?对比平庸范例Could you imagine that you could connect to the internet without so many ancestors?显然作者这里的get access to用的十分的书面化,相应的,平庸范例的connect就显得有些过于百搭,没有特点。接下来,优秀范例的for这个词就比较有正义了。正方会支持,因为这里表示“如果没有这难以技术的电脑先驱的的话”,但是反对者也可以说,这里有可能产生一个歧义,也就是有人可能理解为“为了无数的电脑先驱”,这样理解起来,确实有些无厘头了,就没有逻辑了。 倒数第二句,作者几乎是把自己的单词量铺成了7章28回的乐曲在反复吟唱Similarly, it is highly probable that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren would be enjoying a trip across the “worm hole” while giving thanks secretly to his forefather, you, who voted for the expenditure on scientific research.对比平庸范例At the same time, it is possible that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren will make a travel through a worm hole, will thank to her ancestors yourself who have voted for the science.优秀范例的highly probable、great-grandchildren、enjoying a trip 、worm hole、thanks secretly to、voted for,以及expenditure让我们叹为观止!让人感觉作者是吹拉弹唱,样样在行!怎么可能找出这些准确的词汇!如果不是长期的阅读,以及长期的用英语锤炼自己的表达,是不可能做到的。 显然亮点不仅仅在词汇量这个部分,本篇文章通篇的还显示出作者无尽的想象力,前面有互联网,有希望的翅膀,本句话在时间上还产生了纵深感,great-grandchildren,worm hole,以及forefather让我们在时间和空间的纵深感上无限延伸,作者的想象力令人叹为观止!本篇优秀作文不打30分,天理不容! 最后一句话,优秀范例In a word, the space project enjoys great potential, and should therefore be taken into account in top priority to ensure a better future of mankind.对比平庸范例All in all, space project have big potential, and so should be given very high priority to make sure bright future of human.首先,优秀范例的enjoy这个词用的非常地道,有一点喜欢,又有“有”的意思,翻译成“享受”有那么一丝丝的准确。然后therefore显示出前后两句话的逻辑关联,进而推出taken into account,让小伙伴们叹为观止!原来还能用这样的固定搭配表示“使用”“采用”的意思,而且不仅如此,后面的top priority,本来一个priority就已经够了,又加上一个top显示出这个东西的重要性。最后又用了better future of mankind这个文绉绉的,优秀范例的常见表达作为本句话的结尾,算是一个正常的收官。 纵观整段文章,我们最先的感觉是,抛出这些地道的表达不谈,仅仅是作者的想象力,就已经让人叹为观止,再辅以作者地道的表达,真的是双星闪耀,耀神州!范文中的范文!必须倒背如流!