
无老师优秀范例:In the lecture, the professor casts doubt on the reading passage that deep-sea mining is hopeful. First of all, according to the lecture, although there are rich scarcely metals near volcanic vent of seabed, immediate technology for deep-sea mining is undeveloped and the metals from the mining are not always available. For example, it is hard to separate metals from the sediment in terms of collecting technology. Moreover, transferring the metals out of the sea is not easy with respect to transportation. 无老师优秀中文翻译:在听力之中,教授质疑阅读的材料当中所说的深海矿产是很有希望的。 首先,根据听力,虽然在靠近海床通气孔的位置,有很多稀有金属,但是现在的深海开采技术还不够先进,这些矿仓的金属其实开采不到。例如,现在难以从现在的开采技术所获得的沉积层当中分离金属。而且,考虑到运输的问题,其实从大海之中得到这些金属并不容易。 无老师平庸范例:In the lecture, the professor stands on the other side of the reading that digging the mine in the deep sea is hopeful. First of all, according to the lecture, although there are many rare metals near the volcanic vent of sea floor, the technology of the deep sea mining is not good enough for dig these metal. For example, it is hard for us to separate these rare metals from the sediments that we excavate in the deep sea. What’s more, considering the trouble in the transportation, it is not easy for us to transfer these rare metals. 总有筒子们要求无老师再讲讲综合作文,无老师这个月就找一个满分的综合作文跟大家聊聊。在出国留学这个圈子里,很多人就是喜欢怪力乱神,称个王,封个后,你这边是教父,我那边是教主,左边一个XX阅读法,右边一个山山作文法,其实没必要,综合作文这东西,说白了,就是在考你的听力水平几何,因为人家阅读原文都已经摆在那里了,还需要你说什么呢,其实就是要考你听力的内容听懂了多少,以及你能写出来多少。 至于大家最常见的5个问题,答案也很简单。 1 可以用模板么? 答:可以,因为模板并不能改变你听力听懂多少和还原出多少。 2 先写听力,还是先写阅读? 答:不重要,都可以,完全不影响分数 3 听力要写多少? 答:70-80%以上都要是听力,阅读就每段随便提一句就好,不提也行。 4 听力和阅读可以写原文么? 答:不可以写一模一样的原文,一定要经过自己改写。 对了,很多人还关心师太,啊不对,应该是时态,其实无所谓,你喜欢用过去时也行,像本篇文章一样用现在时也可以。 很显然,由于优秀作文的原文太扎实了,因此该写出的平庸范例水平十分相近,只是在句式和用词上,无老师努力让他缺少变化了一点。 第一段,优秀范例In the lecture, the professor casts doubt on the reading passage that deep-sea mining is hopeful.对比平庸范例:In the lecture, the professor stands on the other side of the reading that digging the mine in the deep sea is hopeful.好吧,无老师错了,平庸范例写的稍微比优秀范例好了一点点,主要是因为stands on the other side of the reading写的惟妙惟肖。 第二句,优秀范例First of all, according to the lecture, although there are rich scarcely metals near volcanic vent of seabed, immediate technology for deep-sea mining is undeveloped and the metals from the mining are not always available.对比平庸范例First of all, according to the lecture, although there are many rare metals near the volcanic vent of sea floor, the technology of the deep sea mining is not good enough for dig these metal.显然优秀范例的rich比平庸范例的many更形象一点。然后优秀范例的near volcanic vent of seabed,对比平庸范例的sea floor显然优秀范例单词量很大。然后优秀范例竟然用到了immediate technology和undeveloped来分别表示最新的技术和不够发达,这比起平庸范例单纯用了technology和is not good enough显然用词地道很多!有其实优秀范例最后还用了are not always available这个用法来表示我们平时常用的can not这层含义,显得十分高端! 第三句,优秀范例For example, it is hard to separate metals from the sediment in terms of collecting technology.对比平庸范例For example, it is hard for us to separate these rare metals from the sediments that we excavate in the deep sea.这里优秀范例的亮点就是在于,平庸范例很麻烦的用了一个从句才写清楚的that we excavate in the deep sea,优秀范例用了一个轻巧的固定搭配in terms of collecting technology就写清楚了,而且还用collecting technology来表示已经写了很多次的mine这层意思,显得词汇量很棒! 最后一句,优秀范例Moreover, transferring the metals out of the sea is not easy with respect to transportation.对比平庸范例What’s more, considering the trouble in the transportation, it is not easy for us to transfer these rare metals.最后这一句呢,其实使优秀范例和平庸范例各有千秋。优秀范例是out of和with respect to这两个固定搭配用的很好!平庸范例是considering+宾语这个结构用的不错,当然,总的来说,还是优秀范例更胜一筹! 平时作文巨讲堂多注重词句之间的回旋,今天特在文章开始加入了对于综合作文这个大类的讲解,希望对考友们有所帮助。^_^


相关阅读新托福突破口1-26软件模考旗舰破解版:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/6633 无老师iBT新托福,SAT作文巨讲堂(2012年10月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/5600 无老师iBT新托福,SAT作文巨讲堂(2012年11月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/5850 无老师iBT新托福,SAT作文巨讲堂(2012年12月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/5963 无老师iBT新托福作文巨讲堂(2013年01月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/6136 无老师iBT新托福作文巨讲堂(2013年02月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/6197 无老师iBT新托福作文巨讲堂(2013年03月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/6390 无老师iBT新托福作文巨讲堂(2013年04月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/6496 无老师iBT新托福作文巨讲堂(2013年05月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/6616 无老师iBT新托福作文巨讲堂(2013年06月号):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/6731 iBT新托福金牌五星作文模板词(形容词、副词+动词篇):http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1813 美国总统奥巴马制造的作文模板(第1期)【无老师原创】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1302


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