
无老师优秀范例:But the norm that a "good" product is advertised as a "better" one is often challenged or even reversed - that is, unscrupulous businessmen make use of advertising to sell inferior products, which raises a moral question. For example, my mother was once attracted by a commercial of a encyclopedia which was claimed to be the one and only complete version of several ancient Chinese documents. She rushed to the shop and bought this "limited version" at a eye-popping price, and regarded it as one of the most precious things in our house. However, a few months later she found the same version was sold in bulk at another shop at an unbelievably low price, which annoyed her for quite a long time. We can learn from the experience that we should not always trust the advertisements that are apparently exaggerating products, and keep alert in the swarm of television commercials. 无老师优秀中文翻译:把一个还可以的商品,说成是一个最好(为了中文的有效传达,因此如此翻译)的商品的这样的做事准则常常是被挑战,甚至是推翻,也就是,那些无良的商人利用广告来卖劣质商品,这就产生了一个道德问题。比如说,我妈妈有一次就被一个百科全书的广告吸引,这个百科全书被声称是一个,同时也是唯一的一个很多中国古代文件的完整版。她冲去商店,以一个惊人的价格买了这个限量版,并且将其看作是屋里最珍贵的物品之一。但是,几个月后,他看到了同样的书在另一家商店里,以一个很低的价格在甩卖,这使得她闹心了很久。我们可以从中得出,我们并不应该一直相信广告,并且对这些商业广告保持警惕。 无老师平庸范例:The behavior that we boost the good things in to great things is always criticized and even turned over, that is, those bad businessmen use the advertisement to sell bad things, which makes a moral question. For example, my mother was attracted by a advertisement of encyclopaedia, they say the encyclopaedia is the one, and the encyclopaedia is the only full version of Chinese papers. Then she ran to the bookstore, and bought this limited version in very high price, and think it is the most important thing in my house. But a few months later, she saw the same book in another bookstore, and the bookstore sold it in very low price, and she was very unhappy. We can learn that we should not always trust advertisements, and we should be careful of the advertisements. 本段优秀范例的优势,主要是在于用词的多样和句式的灵活,但是句式的多样?所见不多。 首先优秀范例的第一句:But the norm that a "good" product is advertised as a "better" one is often challenged or even reversed - that is, unscrupulous businessmen make use of advertising to sell inferior products, which raises a moral question.对比平庸范例The behavior that we boost the good things into great things is always criticized and even turned over, that is, those bad businessmen use the advertisement to sell bad things, which makes a moral question.显然优秀范例的norm就让我们一惊!原来norm这个单词除了“标准”一意,还能稍微沾一点“做事方式”的意思,然后接下来平庸范例的boost,与优秀范例的advertise都算比较书面化。但是平庸范例的great就没有优秀范例的better好了,因为better是good的比较级,本身是有比前者good更好的感觉存在的,great虽然也表示“很好”,但是与前面的good 的天然联系就不够了。然后显然接下来优秀范例的reverse和unscrupulous写得小凶悍,我们确实平时很少想到。而且下面优秀范例还用了固定搭配make use of,大亮点!而且优秀范例接下来还不落俗套的用到了inferior和raise这两个词,让人印象深刻! 第二句:优秀范例For example, my mother was once attracted by a commercial of a encyclopedia which was claimed to be the one and only complete version of several ancient Chinese documents.对比平庸范例For example, my mother was attracted by a advertisement of encyclopaedia, they say the encyclopaedia is the one, and the encyclopaedia is the only full version of Chinese papers.优秀范例once一个小词,表明了发生的时间,然后接下来优秀范例为了避免用词重复因此没有再用advertisement而是用了commercial,让人直接联想到商业广告,写得漂亮。然后接下来优秀范例用了was claimed to be,我们很少能想到这样的用法,有加分!最后对比平庸范例,显然在表述唯一的时候,平庸范例很笨拙的翻译为encyclopaedia is the one, and the encyclopaedia is the only,显然的中式表达,不过其实这里最大的亮点是在于the one and only这样递进的强调方式,显得很有新意。当然,优秀范例最后能用到ancient和document,保证了整句的水准。 第三句优秀范例则是整段最大的亮点She rushed to the shop and bought this "limited version" at a eye-popping price, and regarded it as one of the most precious things in our house.,对比平庸范例Then she ran to the bookstore, and bought this limited version in very high price, and think it is the most important thing in my house.首先用到的一个小词rush,表示出的匆匆忙忙的这个感觉,是run这个题体现不出来的,然后limited version则是用的很地道,当然最漂亮的就是at a eye-popping price一个让眼睛瞪出来的价格!表示价格非常的高!显然非常具有画面感!本段最大的亮点!性比起来接下来的precious“很珍贵的”也算是不错的词,但是就没有at a eye-popping price这么形象了。 其后,第四句话,优秀范例However, a few months later she found the same version was sold in bulk at another shop at an unbelievably low price, which annoyed her for quite a long time.相比于平庸范例But a few months later, she saw the same book in another bookstore, and the bookstore sold it in very low price, and she was very unhappy.显然优秀范例用了version来表示同一本书,而且还是相同的版本,避免了再次使用book这个词的尴尬,而且表达的更为准确。而且这里作者还用到了in bulk来修饰sold,一下子就将前面一句话里面的limited version呼应起来,更强烈的对比出妈妈的窘境。然后再用unbelievably low price给这本书敲上最后一课钉子,呼应前面的at a eye-popping price,写得很漂亮。最后作者又亮出了annoy这个词,再次炫耀一下自己的单词量。 最后一句话,优秀范例We can learn from the experience that we should not always trust the advertisements that are apparently exaggerating products, and keep alert in the swarm of television commercials.对比平庸范例We can learn that we should not always trust advertisements, and we should be careful of the advertisements.显然作者在这里没有很平淡的直接写we learn that而是加上了from the experience是的句子不会显得很死板,然后作者在句式的多样性上就没什么贡献了,不过在词汇的运用上倒是亮点颇多,apparently,exaggerating,swarm都显示出作者的词汇量丰富,尤其是最后的keep alert in和television commercial更是显示出作者的积累很丰富,否则是想不出来这样的表达的。


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